November 8, 2021

Finding Your Brand Personality: Part 1

Finding Your Brand Personality: Part 1

You may have heard of brand personality before, but how do you actually define it? Is it as simple as choosing some attributes? And do you really even need one? In this first of two episodes on brand personality, we’re sharing why this is an unmissable part of your strategy. 

We Unpack:

  • What brand personality is and why it’s an important piece in defining your brand voice and visuals.
  • How the personality you choose will determine the customers you attract.
  • What brand personality archetypes are and why they’re helpful
  • Descriptions and examples for the first six of twelve brand personality archetypes—The Innocent, The Explorer, The Sage, The Hero, The Rebel and The Magician

Links and Resources:

  • Follow us on Instagram: @baker_creative
  • For more visit

Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss out on part two!

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