Brand Storytelling

3 Simple Steps For Attracting Better Customers
Some people think more customers is what they need. But more isn’t always better. Today we’re sharing 3 simple steps to attract better customers.

Brands We Love: Outdoor Voices
We’re back with another Brands We Love. This week, we’re talking recreation wear, with a focus on the brand Outdoor Voices.

Brands We Love: Heaps Normal
Today’s brand is Heaps Normal, an Australian non-alcoholic beer. We discuss our take on their branding— including their bold message about drinking.

The Failproof Formula for Crafting Your Brand Story
You know that no brand is complete without an origin story. But how exactly do you write one? This 4 step formula will help you get your story down in 30.

Risky Business: Customer Beliefs That are Derailing Your Sales
Why do customers pause instead of pulling the trigger? Uncover the customer beliefs stopping you from making more sales.

Why You Need to Get on Board With the Rule of One
There’s a simple rule you can follow to make all your marketing materials clear and persuasive. Here's how you can start using it today.

Want People to Pay Attention? Do This.
Learn how to make your speeches, presentations, videos, social posts, blogs and web copy more engaging by leaving things unfinished.

Don’t Solve a Problem? Here’s How to Sell What You Do
Do you sell something that doesn't solve an obvious problem for your customers? Here's a simple strategy for selling your offerings.

Brands We Love: Bellhops
Bellhops' customer-focused brand begins with their online presence. Read on to uncover 3 of their messaging hacks you can try in your biz.

This is How You Build Trust Online
Your website is often the first place you start to build trust with your audience. Here are 6 ways to build trust online.

How to Tell People What You Do in 3 Simple Steps
Describing what you do doesn’t need to feel salesy or forced. Learn the simple, 3 step formula for creating an elevator pitch.

Brands We Love: Warby Parker
We explore how Warby Parker earned the title of most innovative company, taking a look at 3 strategies that have earned them cult status.

Want More Customers? Stop Being Their Hero
The simple shift in thinking that will make your writing and marketing more persuasive.

Unleashing Your Authentic Brand Voice
While nailing your brand positioning is essential, there is another way to build remarkability into your brand – your voice.

Why Nobody Wants to Buy What You're Selling (And What to Sell Instead)
Have you ever thought about what you're really buying when you purchase any new product or service?

How to Design an Unforgettable Brand Experience
Every interaction is an opportunity to build trust by creating thoughtful & remarkable brand experiences.

Steal These: The 5 hacks Your Favourite Brands are Using to Build a Following
What makes people support a brand? Here’s what we can learn from some local and international cult brands.