Brand Trajectory

3 Simple Steps For Attracting Better Customers
Some people think more customers is what they need. But more isn’t always better. Today we’re sharing 3 simple steps to attract better customers.

Brands We Love: Outdoor Voices
We’re back with another Brands We Love. This week, we’re talking recreation wear, with a focus on the brand Outdoor Voices.
Trending: Self-Care, Unpacked
Don't guess at what your customers want, ask them. Learn how to conduct your own customer research with 4 easy methods.
Uncovering Your Brand’s Big Idea
Your brand’s big idea is your take on what your customer deserves to be, do or have. In this episode, we’re diving into the concept of a Big Idea.

Is Your Brand Tapping Into Tension?
Learn how to leverage the power of cognitive dissonance to encourage your audience to take action.

Brands We Love: Up
Today's brand we love is Up. We're looking at how this online bank has forged a path in a well-established industry.

Give Them Something to Believe In
This extra layer of meaning can help your customers understand how your brand can fit into their lives.

3 Types of Content You Need to Be Creating Right Now
Want to create a brand more bingeworthy than the Tiger King? You need to be using these 3 types of content in your strategy.

20 ways to offer incredible value in 2020
Stop creating content that flatlines. Give your audience something they really want. Here are 20 ideas you can swipe for high-value content.

Your Summer Reading List
Want to glide into the new year with a plan for hitting all your most ambitious goals? You won't want to miss these juicy tips.

How to Plan for a Rebrand
A rebrand doesn't sound too tricky, until you're drowning in font options with no decision in sight! Plan your rebrand like a pro with this 3-step process.

Brands We Love: Snowe Home
The masters of storytelling, Snowe uses their product descriptions, blog posts and photos to connect with their customers and drive home their values.

The Failproof Formula for Crafting Your Brand Story
You know that no brand is complete without an origin story. But how exactly do you write one? This 4 step formula will help you get your story down in 30.

Could This Science-Backed Model Change the Way You Sell?
We take a look at how we can use neuroscience to understand consumer decision making and create high-converting websites.

Why Your Brand Needs to Pick a Fight
Just like your favourite books and movies, every great brand story has its own powerful villain too.

Brands We Love: Aēsop
Aesop continue to stand out without following the industry giants. Here are 3 things we can learn from the masters of minimal.

10 Signs it’s Time for a Brand Evolution
How do you know when it’s time for a change? Here are 10 signs that it’s time for a brand overhaul.

11 Surefire Ways to Stand Out in a Competitive Market
Wondering how you can stand out in a crowded market? Keep on reading to uncover 11 ideas to be a stand out business in a sea of samesies.

Brands We Love: Everlane
The best way to become a standout brand is to learn from those we love. Here, we examine why Everlane has had incredible success.

The Truth About Why Your Website Lacks Personality (And How To Fix It)
Personality indicates not only what we share, but how much we share of ourselves. Here's why your brand personality is stifled.

Brands We Love: MeUndies
When asked, ‘how do you do it differently?’, MeUndies aren’t short of ways that their approach is breaking the mould.

How to Attract New Customers to Your Business
Sales stats looking grim? Learn how to attract a stready flow of customers to your business.

Why Purpose Driven Businesses are More Successful
Money can be motivating, but it does not have the same impact as purpose. Knowing why we are working determines how well we work.

How to Identify & Attract Your Ideal Customers
Having an ideal customer profile can simplify and refocus the way you promote and advertise your business.

4 Compelling Reasons to Invest in Your Brand
Your brand strategy probably isn't topping your to-do list. But, it's probably the most worthwhile investment we ever made.

Brands We Love: Jenna Kutcher
A homage to brands that are kicking goals—from their visuals to their voice, they have found their place, tribe and style.

How to Design an Unforgettable Brand Experience
Every interaction is an opportunity to build trust by creating thoughtful & remarkable brand experiences.

How uncovering our brand values guided our startup through its first year
Brand values are guaranteed to be much better for making decisions than asking Siri or your trusty 8-ball.